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North Hollywood Regional Production
Grades 6-12
Pre-Registration Form
What Are You Registering For Today?

​​*Deposit guarantees your spot in the program, in addition to a discount of $55.00.

*Payment remainder due beginning December 1st, 2024.

*Payment remainder may be paid in full or split between (2) payments of $410.00.

1. Parent/Guardian where applicable gives consent for applicant(s) to attend and participate accordingly.

2. Payment terms: Online payment via Debit/Credit Card, PayPal, Venmo, or Check when available. A registration form will only be deemed as valid if accompanied by the relevant payment / transfer of the required deposit/full fees as applicable.

3. If you cancel registration up to (1) week of the start of program, ON! will credit your registration fee, minus WIX services fees and any non-refundable deposit (when applicable).

4. If you cancel registration after the program has started and choose to withdraw within the first week following program start date, you will be refunded 50% (half) the program fee, with the minus WIX services fees and any non-refundable deposit (when applicable).

5. If you cancel registration after the program has started and choose to withdraw AFTER the first week following program start date, no refund will be issued, with the exception of uncontrollable circumstances (i.e. cancellation of program, illness, family emergency, or anything else deemed acceptable by ON!).

6. ON! reserves the right to make changes to times/dates of workshops/classes/events/rehearsals. Such changes shall only occur if deemed absolutely necessary due to circumstances out of ON!’s control and no other course of action can be taken.

7. Any personal information provided to ON! will be ‘processed’ in accordance with the terms defined in the Data Protection Act 1988. Such information shall be for the purposes of administration, research, the provision of performance (public or otherwise in drama, singing, movement and dance).

8. You agree to abide by any additional restrictions displayed on the company website, as images and text may be updated from time to time. More specifically ON! website including all materials, is copyrighted and protected by worldwide copyright laws and treaty provisions. Furthermore, this website its pages, documents and all related information is provided by ON! and may be used for information purposes only. By using the site or downloading allowable materials you agree to abide by the terms and conditions set forth above in this notice.

9. By accepting the terms and conditions, you grant ON! permission to share rehearsal and performance photos and videos on social media and the Opening Night Theater website. Such photos and videos may include the likeness of your registered participant(s).

10. By accepting the terms and conditions, you agree to read the ON! "Cast Contract" communicated by the directors prior to the commencement of the program.

11. WAIVER OF LIABILITY AND STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING AND RELEASE (Waiver/Release) I am the Participant, or parent or legal guardian of each minor child (“Participant”) identified on this form. Each Participant on this Waiver/Release is participating in a group activity sponsored by the above-identified program, voluntarily and at our own risk, and understand and agree to the following: ON! cannot guarantee safety from COVID-19 transmission or transmission of similar viruses while at rehearsal and/or participating in program-sponsored activities. Opening Night Theater is allowing such activities to proceed in recognition that such activities can promote and enhance the mental and physical health and well-being of its participants, but encourages participants and parents to take any necessary precautions to limit exposure to such illnesses. I have read and understood the above warning/We choose to accept and assume the risk of contracting COVID-19 or similar illnesses to participate in program-sponsored activities/We understand that if I/We are not comfortable or cannot agree to execute this Waiver/Release then I/We may not participate in program-sponsored activities. I/We hereby expressly waive, and release Opening Night Theater, and its members, from any and all rights, claims, lawsuits or damages of any nature whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from COVID-19 infection or transmission related to my participation in a program-sponsored activities. I understand that this waiver means I give up my right to bring any claims, including for personal injuries, death, disease, or any other loss, including but not limited to claims of negligence, and give up any claim I may have to seek damages, whether known or unknown, foreseen or unforeseen. I understand and agree that this waiver and release is intended to be interpreted broadly in favor of Opening Night Theater. We attest that I/We are 18 years or older and if any minor child is identified on this form, that I/We are the parent or legal guardian of such minor child.

12. Participants whom engage in ON! activities do so at their own risk and are obligated to inform ON! and its staff of any existing injuries or medical conditions.

13. ON! cannot accept liability for loss or damage to belongings of participants and/or visiting persons.

14. Written email confirmation from ON! (of an application) confirming that an applicant(s) has gained a place in our program establishes a contract and will be deemed legally binding thereof.

Thanks for Pre-Registering!

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